Things shift in the presence of pure awareness, simply with my powerful intention to do so.
Energy is shifted, things become known and understood and concepts are embodied beyond knowledge. This work I offer the world is simple, grounded, minimal woo and all heart!
My purpose is to support Awakening Women, just like you, who might be lost and confused about who they really are and why life feels hard and deeply unsatisfying currently.
Your soul is the essence of who you truly are. It is timeless, ageless and eternal. Awakening is the remembering of this truth beyond your human limitations
Wild & Free
Online Course
Everything you need if you are at the stage of Awakening that you're ready to really embody your sovereignty and inner power! Break-free from the conditioning system of society, culture, government and the ego... live life on your terms!
Finding your light and courage and shine it brightly in the world.
To show you how to live life fully embodying your feminine energy and moving beyond the conditioning of the Masculine system we have been raised in.
The aim is an authentic you, masks removed and inner critic healed. A you that is open, softer, flexible and not reactive. A beautiful you that knows herself deeply and listens/honours her intuition by embracing being not just doing. Inspired aligned action that feels intentional, not just busy that depletes and exhausts you. A you that receives as much as she gives, from herself and others. A you that thrives, not just survives!
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Awakening isn't easy. I'd love to help you on this journey.